25 research outputs found

    SAT-Solving in Practice, with a Tutorial Example from Supervisory Control

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    Satisfiability solving, the problem of deciding whether the variables of a propositional formula can be assigned in such a way that the formula evaluates to true, is one of the classic problems in computer science. It is of theoretical interest because it is the canonical NP-complete problem. It is of practical interest because modern SAT-solvers can be used to solve many important and practical problems. In this tutorial paper, we show briefly how such SAT-solvers are implemented, and point to some typical applications of them. Our aim is to provide sufficient information (much of it through the reference list) to kick-start researchers from new fields wishing to apply SAT-solvers to their problems. Supervisory control theory originated within the control community and is a framework for reasoning about a plant to be controlled and a specification that the closed-loop system must fulfil. This paper aims to bridge the gap between the computer science community and the control community by illustrating how SAT-based techniques can be used to solve some supervisory control related problems

    Temporal Induction by Incremental SAT Solving

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    We show how a very modest modi cation to a typical modern SAT-solver enables it to solve a series of related SAT-instances eciently

    SAT Based Model Checking

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    This Thesis is a study of automatic reasoning about finite state machines (FSMs). Two techniques used in hardware verification are presented. In both, the verification is carried out by a translation of the problem into propositional logic. Satisfiability and validity of propositional formulas are decided by the use of a SAT solver. For this reason, the fundamental techniques of a modern SAT solver are also presented. The material belongs in the research field of symbolic model checking (SMC). The field comprises different methods of verifying (temporal) properties of finite systems, such as hardware designs, with a high degree of automation. The scope of current methods, and the level of automation, is such that SMC is frequently applied in industry. One way to prove a property of a system is to explicitly enumerate all reachable states, and check the property for each one. This is known as explicit state model checking. SMC, on the other hand, works by reasoning symbolically about the system, using a compact representation of sets of states. There is no direct relation between the size of a set and its representation, which gives SMC the potential of handling systems with very large state spaces. Conventional SMC is carried out by using binary decision diagrams (BDDs), a canonical representation of boolean functions (i.e. subsets of Booln), to compute and represent subsets of the state space. Although algorithms based on BDDs have been successful in many applications, there are limitations that cannot easily be overcome. In this Thesis, alternative approaches based on SAT are explored, in the hope of removing some of those limitations. The first paper in the Thesis shows how reachability analysis (computing a representation of the reachable states) can be performed in much the same way as for BDDs, using a non-canonical representation of boolean functions. The method includes a translation from quantified boolean formulas (QBFs) to propositional formulas, and the use of a SAT solver for termination checks. The second paper shows how safety properties can be proven by means of temporal induction (also known as k-induction). Several improvements are made to previous techniques, in particular by the introduction and novel use of an incremental SAT solver. The performance gain is documented by thorough testing. The third paper documents in detail how a modern SAT solver is constructed and suggests some extensions. It shows how arbitrary boolean constraints can be added to a SAT solver, and also implements an incremental SAT interface. The fourth and final paper proposes a solution to the important problem of generating good SAT encodings of domain specific problems. The approach is general in the sense that it is not limited to the typical translation from netlists, often used in hardware verification

    SAT Based Model Checking

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    This Thesis is a study of automatic reasoning about finite state machines (FSMs). Two techniques used in hardware verification are presented. In both, the verification is carried out by a translation of the problem into propositional logic. Satisfiability and validity of propositional formulas are decided by the use of a SAT solver. For this reason, the fundamental techniques of a modern SAT solver are also presented. The material belongs in the research field of symbolic model checking (SMC). The field comprises different methods of verifying (temporal) properties of finite systems, such as hardware designs, with a high degree of automation. The scope of current methods, and the level of automation, is such that SMC is frequently applied in industry. One way to prove a property of a system is to explicitly enumerate all reachable states, and check the property for each one. This is known as explicit state model checking. SMC, on the other hand, works by reasoning symbolically about the system, using a compact representation of sets of states. There is no direct relation between the size of a set and its representation, which gives SMC the potential of handling systems with very large state spaces. Conventional SMC is carried out by using binary decision diagrams (BDDs), a canonical representation of boolean functions (i.e. subsets of Booln), to compute and represent subsets of the state space. Although algorithms based on BDDs have been successful in many applications, there are limitations that cannot easily be overcome. In this Thesis, alternative approaches based on SAT are explored, in the hope of removing some of those limitations. The first paper in the Thesis shows how reachability analysis (computing a representation of the reachable states) can be performed in much the same way as for BDDs, using a non-canonical representation of boolean functions. The method includes a translation from quantified boolean formulas (QBFs) to propositional formulas, and the use of a SAT solver for termination checks. The second paper shows how safety properties can be proven by means of temporal induction (also known as k-induction). Several improvements are made to previous techniques, in particular by the introduction and novel use of an incremental SAT solver. The performance gain is documented by thorough testing. The third paper documents in detail how a modern SAT solver is constructed and suggests some extensions. It shows how arbitrary boolean constraints can be added to a SAT solver, and also implements an incremental SAT interface. The fourth and final paper proposes a solution to the important problem of generating good SAT encodings of domain specific problems. The approach is general in the sense that it is not limited to the typical translation from netlists, often used in hardware verification

    An Extensible SAT-solver

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    In this article, we present a small, complete, and efficient SAT-solver in the style of conflict-driven learning, as exemplified by Chaff. We aim to give sufficient details about implementation to enable the reader to construct his or her own solver in a very short time.This will allow users of SAT-solvers to make domain specific extensions or adaptions of current state-of-the-art SAT-techniques, to meet the needs of a particular application area. The presented solver is designed with this in mind, and includes among other things a mechanism for adding arbitrary boolean constraints. It also supports solving a series of related SAT-problems efficiently by an incremental SAT-interface

    An Extensible SAT-solver

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    In this article, we present a small, complete, and efficient SAT-solver in the style of conflict-driven learning, as exemplified by Chaff. We aim to give sufficient details about implementation to enable the reader to construct his or her own solver in a very short time.This will allow users of SAT-solvers to make domain specific extensions or adaptions of current state-of-the-art SAT-techniques, to meet the needs of a particular application area. The presented solver is designed with this in mind, and includes among other things a mechanism for adding arbitrary boolean constraints. It also supports solving a series of related SAT-problems efficiently by an incremental SAT-interface

    Applying Logic Synthesis for Speeding Up SAT

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    Abstract. SAT solvers are often challenged with very hard problems that remain unsolved after hours of CPU time. The research community meets the challenge in two ways: (1) by improving the SAT solver technology, for example, perfecting heuristics for variable ordering, and (2) by inventing new ways of constructing simpler SAT problems, either using domain specific information during the translation from the original problem to CNF, or by applying a more universal CNF simplification procedure after the translation. This paper explores preprocessing of circuitbased SAT problems using recent advances in logic synthesis. Two fast logic synthesis techniques are considered: DAG-aware logic minimization and a novel type of structural technology mapping, which reduces the size of the CNF derived from the circuit. These techniques are experimentally compared to CNF-based preprocessing. The conclusion is that the proposed techniques are complementary to CNF-based preprocessing and speedup SAT solving substantially on industrial examples.